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Navigating Google’s new spam updates: a recruiter’s guide to staying out of email purgatory

Here’s the thing: When it comes to email outreach, change is the only constant. 

But for recruiters, email is a tried-and-true way of getting in front of both candidates and potential clients alike — which means staying on top of changing regulations is critical. 

The latest shift comes from Gmail, with its crackdown on spammers — or those who may accidentally be acting like them. 

These updates aim to reduce spam and enhance user experience — but what exactly do these changes entail, what do they mean for you as the sender, and how can recruiters adapt to ensure their emails don’t end up lost in spam folders forever? 

Take this quiz to see if your behaviors may be making you look suspicious to Google, or simply keep scrolling to learn more about which behaviors to avoid. Let’s dive in!


The ins and outs of Google’s 2024 spam crackdown

Google’s updated email spam requirements aim to reduce deceptive (or simply unwanted) email practices that detract from user experience. Some specific behaviors that may be punished under these requirements include:

→ QUICK TIP: In this article, we keep things fairly high-level and simple (avoiding getting into the technical nitty-gritty of all of those crazy acronyms listed above). If you prefer a more technical breakdown, we picked the brain of our CTO and co-founder, Ilia Cheishvili on these email changes & their implications here

→ QUICK TIP: A lot of people are afraid to make obvious unsubscribe buttons, because they’re afraid it will make readers more likely to follow that path. However, rather than trying to make it difficult for disengaged recipients to unsubscribe, perhaps we should keep in mind that generally readers don’t want to unsubscribe from communications they find helpful, relevant, and tailored to them. 

→ QUICK TIP: Rather than trying for flashy methods of getting recipient attention, instead focus that creative energy on segmentation and targeting — so that you’re delivering highly relevant content to the right audience. 

→ QUICK TIP: Monitoring spam levels through tools like Google Postmaster can help identify and rectify potential issues before they escalate.

→ QUICK TIP: Bulk emailers sending over 5,000 emails daily (from the same domain, not just one email address) are the most suspicious in Google’s eyes. Being intentional and specific with every send is a step in the right direction toward compliance. We recommend a ceiling of 100-200 emails a day to help validate contact information & make contact, without the risk of large penalties. 

By adhering to these guidelines and prioritizing user experience, recruiters can maintain their sender reputation and good standing with Google — and ensure their emails reach the intended recipients’ inboxes. Which is, uh, kind of the whole point of sending emails, right? 

What happens if Google thinks you’re spammy? 

If recruiters fail to comply with Google’s requirements, it could put their domain health (and their general reputation) at risk. 

While exact repercussions remain unclear (because Google loves a good fear-inducing mystery, apparently), the general consensus among those educated in matters like these is that remediation processes (aka getting your domain back in good standing) can be rather demanding and time-consuming. 

So what does this mean for recruiters? 

Let’s not miss the overarching point here: 

These new (harsher) regulations may seem scary and limiting — but we must keep in mind that the goal is to promote transparency, relevance, and user empowerment, which are all objectively good things! 

Amidst all of the changes, delivering relevant, meaningful content to your audience — the kind of content that they want to engage with, rather than send to a spam folder — is key, just like it’s always been. 

Perhaps recruiters can look at these new spam updates as an opportunity rather than a major headache: Are your open rates where you want them to be? Completely satisfied with your response rates? If so, send us a message, because we’d like to hear what’s working for you. 

But for those who feel like their email strategy has room for improvement — now is a great time to refine your approach to delivering valuable content to both candidates and prospects. Not just so that you can avoid having a bad reputation, but so you can continue to develop a really good one. 

At Loxo, we emphasize time and time again that modern recruitment is built on TRUST and RELATIONSHIPS. That’s why our Talent Intelligence Platform was designed with the long-game in mind, helping you build trust with every interaction. 

Have questions about how to ensure you’re not at risk of being seen as a spammer in Google’s eyes? Customers can feel free to reach out to support@loxo.co for more information. 

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