Loxo Source

Easily source
one-in-a-billion candidates

With Loxo Source, you can find any professional in the world within our database of 1.2 billion professionals. It’s never been easier to unlock untapped talent pools and access even the most hard-to-find, specialized talent.

Why Loxo Source?

Find the talent no one else can

With Loxo, your search goes beyond LinkedIn and other standard job boards. Instead, you’re able to source talent for roles across every industry — ranging from the most specialized roles in niche industries to those always-hiring roles like account executives, healthcare workers, and beyond.

Without having to lift a finger, Loxo’s AI identifies and ranks candidates based on the title, hiring company, and JD. Further refine your search through Boolean and filters — the perfect solution for outbound recruiting and building talent pipelines.


billion professionals

Professional and social profiles for the most hard-to-find and diverse talent — including 295 million candidates from underrepresented backgrounds using Loxo’s diversity filters.


million niche candidates

Source candidates from a database that includes even the most specialized industries — from healthcare professionals to climate tech to software engineers and beyond.


data sources

Find even elusive candidates who aren’t on LinkedIn with a databse that includes public profiles from Github, Healthgrades, ZocDoc, AngelList, Crunchbase, Twitter, and many more.

Find candidates that fit the bill — and engage them on the spot

Five steps to both finding and engaging top talent — making it easier (and faster) than ever to get the right people in the right roles.


Have a pool of candidates automatically curated for you based on the hiring company, the role, and its requirements.


Use filters, Boolean search strings, or add specific keywords to filter candidates even further.


View top matches ranked by Loxo’s AI — so you don’t have to scroll to page 37 to find the best candidates.


Click to see verified contact information for your top-pick candidates.


Add those candidates to an automatic outreach campaign designed specifically for the job.

Find the talent no one else can

Access the largest talent database in the marketplace

Search 1.2+ billion professional profiles and 12 million companies across the globe. Loxo Source pulls from 100+ data sources at once — including LinkedIn, Github, Healthgrades, ZocDoc, AngelList, Crunchbase, X, and many more.

Plus, use the Loxo Chrome extension to add candidates directly to your database from wherever you spot them.

Save money by consolidating

Save $2,000 - $10,000 per recruiter annually

Why pay for third-party sourcing tools?

With Loxo, everything you need is included all-in-one Talent Intelligence Platform — which means you can drastically reduce your subscription costs by eliminating other sourcing, contact info finding, and outreach tools.

UI cards of Loxo's Talent Intelligence Platform

Improve daily with powerful insights

Market insights and analytics help you become more strategic with every search

Begin by better understanding the existing employees, industry sector and top employees working for competition. From there you can build data-driven sourcing and engagement strategies and plan for the future.

Take a look at recruitment performance in Loxo's reporting hub

Accelerate your efforts

Cut time-to-hire by 85%

It shouldn't take 80 hours of work to get one fully-qualified passive candidate into an interview. Find better quality candidates who fit the job criteria faster by leveraging Loxo's integrated suite of data and AI-powered products.

Omnichannel outreach cards in Loxo
Loxo's Talent Intelligence Platform contains an ATS, CRM, contact data, Outreach, AI, Sales CRM and Sourcing

Talent Intelligence Platform

It shouldn't take 10+ tools to make one hire

With the Talent Intelligence Platform, you move through your entire recruitment workflow seamlessly by bringing it all under the same roof.

When you find a qualified candidates, you can instantly access their contact info, drop them into a pipeline, and start an outreach campaign — all in just a few clicks, without ever having to leave Loxo.

From there, you can track progress and results over time — so you can double-down on winning behaviors and improve performance.

Filter and rank candidates by what matters most

Sourcing is one of the biggest tasks on any modern recruiter's plate — but the reality is that most sourcing tools don't make it easy for you. But with Loxo Source, you can source from Loxo’s database of 1.2 billion professionals as well as your own internal ATS/CRM database simultaneously — all within a beautifully designed user interface specifically built to streamline your entire workflow.

And better yet, there are multiple ways to filter & rank candidates to make your search even more efficient. Because different searches have different needs — and different individuals like to source differently. With Loxo, the sourcing world really is your oyster (whatever that means).

Standard search

Use Boolean and custom filters to build your longlist

Loxo Source is built to function with Boolean logic as well as a list of filters.

Boolean is widely regarded as one of the most powerful tools recruiters can use to search. Oftentimes, the best results are shown when people use a combination of filters and specific Boolean logic tailored for a given job or function.

When you find a particular set of filters or logic that work well, you can save the search in Loxo Source. This allows you to quickly search with the same criteria in the future, without having to reset the filters or retype specific Boolean strings.

A Boolean search string in Loxo's search

Best fit

Use Loxo's AI to rank candidates based on your job description & other factors

Sometimes, searching via filters and Boolean still yields a very large number of candidates. When you want to get more specific, you can search instead by “best fit,” in which Loxo’s AI will surface the candidates we think you should see first — and who you otherwise may have missed.

Essentially, this kind of searching uses Loxo’s AI to rank candidates from top to bottom, based on the role you’re hiring for as well as the hiring company it’s for — among other proprietary attributes. Candidates our system identifies as stronger based on these factors will be right at the top!

UI cards of Loxo's Talent Intelligence Platform

Readiness score

Prioritize the candidates most likely to be ready for a change

Loxo’s Readiness Score allows you to filter potential candidates based on their likeliness to be open to changing companies.

The Readiness Score highlights people whose interest in moving on from their current role is likely high — based on a number of factors including career progression, skills and timing.

A candidate's readiness score displays a medium level of readiness for their next opportunity.

Coder score

Find niche skill-matches for even the most technical roles

We now have a “coder score” badge that will appear on candidate profiles when you’re sourcing for technical roles.

Basically: Loxo’s AI looks at all the different attributes that we’ve been able to pull from all over the web about candidates — from places like Github, their work history, their education, their unique skillsets, etc. From there, our AI then takes things a step further and peer ranks candidates basked on their core competency, giving them each a score on how effective of a coder they are for the kind of role you are hiring for.

Loxo's Coder Score UI displays a candidate's past work information and a good score.

Got questions about Loxo Source's data?

We get it. This isn't one of those "curiosity killed the cat" moments; we're an open book when it comes to where we get our data from, what happens to your own data when it's entered into Loxo, and so on.

Does Loxo use customer data to improve its database?

Let us be clear: We will never pull data from any of our customers’ databases! 

First of all, it’s a giant breach of contract and confidentiality to add your private records to our public database. Secondly, we dedicate a ton of internal resources to ensuring our data is as accurate and clean as possible. Nothing against you or your data, but we trust our own more than yours 😉

Long story short: we maintain separate databases for customer CRM data and Loxo’s own sourcing data to ensure accuracy and compliance with privacy laws.

If you're curious for more information on this, we had Loxo's CTO, Ilia Cheishvili, on an episode of our Becoming a Hiring Machine to chat through it in more detail.

So where does Loxo get its data from?

Loxo uses ethical and legal methods to obtain data, avoiding shady practices like importing users’ emails or using phishing schemes. We’ve purchased and indexed over 95 premium and public data sets, and we have dedicated teams that meticulously validate and update this data to ensure it’s accurate. 

Speaking of privacy…is Loxo compliant with all rules and regulations? 

Yes! Loxo is fully GDPR and CCPA compliant.

Why might Loxo’s data differ from that of other vendors?

Different vendors have different approaches to data collection and verification. Loxo prioritizes accuracy over quantity, using sophisticated methods to avoid common pitfalls like merging distinct individuals or relying on single data points.

How does Loxo ensure data accuracy?

Loxo has dedicated teams and departments that focus on validating and updating data. We don’t rely on customer imports or potentially inaccurate third-party sources. Generally speaking, you can trust Loxo’s independently-verified data even more than your own historical database — which is likely full of manually imported data that may contain errors or be outdated. 

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Become a hiring machine

Ready to see for yourself how Loxo can transform your recruitment workflow and make you more efficient than ever before? We thought you might be.