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Blog Post

Scheduling Just Got Easier

We know that scheduling meetings with candidates and clients can be time consuming and tedious, but it doesn’t have to be.

Introducing Loxo Event Scheduling

Loxo Blog
Loxo event scheduling is now available.

Scheduling events from within Loxo is easier than ever! Now, Loxo users can use the “Schedule Event” feature within a person’s profile to schedule an event with any contact in the Loxo People Grid. Once you schedule an event, a calendar invite is automatically sent to the recipient and added to your own calendar.

Four steps, it’s that simple.

  1. Open the person’s profile
  2. Click Schedule Event
  3. Add details and press save.
  4. Calendar invites are automatically sent to all attendees

Take the pain out of scheduling candidate interviews, client meetings, or coffee chats. Try Loxo for free today.

Happy Scheduling!

Loxo Blog
Loxo event scheduling is now available.

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