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Blog Post

Loxo Hires Growth Lead

2017 is the year of growth at Loxo. From new product features to new team members, Loxo is growing to build a better, smarter recruiting platform and provide enhanced support to our clients.

Loxo Blog
Meet Loxo’s Growth and Marketing team.

Do you remember your first day at your current job? Do you remember what drove your decision to take that role?

I certainly do. To be honest, it’s only my first week here at Loxo. While I’m still sorting through all the details of my new role and absorbing as much information as I can, the past few days have already reaffirmed my decision to join the team.

Almost two months ago, I decided to leave the security of my previous company and explore my options. Before applying, I made a list of all of the things I wanted out of my next role. While the list was long, I knew there was one thing I couldn’t live without — GROWTH. Like most job seekers, I wanted the opportunity to build my skill set, but I also wanted a role that would allow me to have a meaningful, measurable impact on the business. Sounds pretty straightforward, right? It’s not. It took me a while to find exactly what I wanted.

Funnily enough, I landed the perfect role here at Loxo as Growth (at least that’s what my offer said). While my title is still a work in progress, there is one thing I know for certain. There is no other company quite like Loxo. I’m going to let you in on what I have learned in my short time here.

  • Loxo is not building a better recruiting platform. It is the best recruiting platform. Don’t believe me. Check out our current product features, and please keep in mind that our dev team is not even close to done. It’s unbelievable, the depth and innovation of new features in the pipeline. These features will revolutionize and streamline the way we recruit in the future. Just wait and see.
  • The Loxo team is unbelievably smart. Have you ever been on a date with someone out of your league? I’m going to be honest; I definitely thought that during my interview. You don’t have to look much further the company’s LinkedIn page to see that Loxo employees are the best in their domain. What you can’t really appreciate until you meet them is their incredible passion, drive, and tenacity. It’s the perfect combination of skills that is unbelievably hard to find. But honestly, who else would you want to build your next recruiting platform? Or, in my case, where else you would want to work?
  • It’s all about the client. Everyone has probably heard this a million times before only to be let down at some point. In fact, you’re probably already skeptical. I would be too if I didn’t have a chance to observe the team over the past few days, but let me tell you client success is at the core of everything Loxo does.

It’s for all of the reasons I listed above and dozens more that I chose Loxo. I’m extremely humbled that I have the opportunity to be a part of this team. I’m excited to work on new resources that will better enable both new and existing clients and how we serve them. But, I’m most excited to be a part of what’s next for Loxo — a growing team, an improved product, and even more dedicated client support.

Whether you’re a current Loxo client or are currently evaluating different recruiting technologies, I hope you will join us on our path to growth and uncover for yourself all of the qualities that make Loxo great.

I would love to hear from you! If you have any ideas on new tools, resources, or content that you would love to see, reach out to me at I can’t wait to hear your ideas.

To your success,


Loxo Blog
Meet Loxo’s Growth and Marketing team.

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