No one likes to give bad news. Unfortunately, as a recruiter, you are going to have to be the bearer of bad news more times than not. At some point, you will have to tell every single candidate you contacted that they are no longer in consideration except for the one you decide to hire.
But, what’s the best way to deliver the bad news?
There are some recruiters who despite knowing today’s candidates place an emphasis on timely communication choose to ghost candidates. They ignore emails asking for updates and screen calls from candidates who they know are no longer in consideration. Don’t be one of those recruiters.
Relationships are at the heart of recruiting. When you choose to ignore a candidate, you risk tarnishing your client’s employer brand and damaging a relationship which may have resulted in a future placement or new business opportunity.
When it comes to updating former candidates, there’s no need to overthink this communication. A simple email will suffice the majority of the time. (Note: There are instances where a phone call is more appropriate, especially when a candidate has made it farther along the hiring process.)
Okay! But what should I include?
Rejection emails are unlike any other email you send candidates. They don’t require extreme personalization, and it’s advised you provide a generic response to protect you and your client from a potential lawsuit for unlawful hiring practices.
Your best bet is to craft a simple template to use every time you recruit. A good template paired with the right ATS/CRM can help you speed through the process.
Drafting Your Template
When drafting your email template, there are a few things to consider:
Sample Job Rejection Template
As a thank you for reading this far, here is your own template than you can use during any stage of the hiring process.