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How to Start an Executive Search Firm

If you’re ready to start an executive search firm but not sure where to — well, start…

You came to the right place.

Building an executive search firm can be quite lucrative, but you’re going to have to work hard for those liquid assets, especially at the start.

Executive search projects tend to be complex and time-consuming than other search projects. Success will require securing the best people and tools to meet the demands of executive search projects.

As such, this guide will focus on how to start an executive search firm specifically.

1. Find your executive search niche

The first step in starting a successful executive recruiting company is to find the best niche.

For people with specialized careers who have mostly worked within a single industry or closely related industries, this niche will be easy to find: 

Simply look back over your career for the most successful executive search projects completed in this niche and leverage these examples to help your firm win business and excel on your home turf.

For generalists who have worked executive search projects in a variety of industries:

It’s in your best interest to specialize moving forward. To start, look back on your career to see if you can identify any trends. Any types of clients you generally find more success with? Placements higher in B2B than B2C? etc. 

No matter what niche you choose, specializing will only give you an advantage.

Direct experience hiring executives in this niche goes a long way.

As a new firm, you will be relying on successful work from the past to win your first client. This way, you’re not starting entirely from scratch.

Questions to ask when finding your niche

Proving your success in your niche

2. Build your executive search brand

Once you’ve defined the niche your executive recruiting company is going to dominate, start building a brand that matches.

These are the baseline brand assets you should launch your company with:

You don’t have to hire a consultant when building your brand. It can be helpful, if you have the budget, but it is certainly not necessary.

Just think strategically about your company’s target customers, the existing landscape of executive recruiting companies within the niche, and how you can stand out positively from these competitors.

Who is in your brand’s audience?

How will your brand stand out?

3. Secure the best executive recruiting talent

To ensure that your first executive search project is successful, you should secure executive recruiting talent for your firm well before you sign your first client.

As a new firm, you will need to rely on your personal reputation and the reputation of your business partners to attract talent, but you will also need to provide a competitive job offer to get talented recruiters onto your team.

What do you need from good executive recruiters?

How will you recruit the executive recruiters you need?

4. Secure executive search tools

To ensure your executive recruiting company is a success, you need to secure executive recruiting software to support the effectiveness of your recruiters and the timely close of your search projects.

You should identify tools that:

Loxo’s all in one recruiting platform uses a comprehensive CRM + ATS, automatic sourcing and contact creation powered by AI and a suite of candidate marketing tools to meet the extensive demands of executive search projects.

Our customers are leading executive search and boutique staffing firms that are tired of complex recruiting software that slows them down. Loxo is simple and intuitive so you can reduce your overhead and dramatically simplify the way you work.

And not only has Loxo automated your manual and mundane processes, we built smart tools into your recruiting experience. From finding contact information with the click of a button to automatically sourcing the top 10 percent of every market, it’s time for your software to work for you.

If want an executive recruiting tool that enhances the effectiveness of your team, schedule a demo to see how we’ll be improving search project outcomes for you and your clients.

5. Find your first client

You’ve got the brand, recruiting talent and tools required to make great placements, so all that’s left is finding the first client for your executive agency.

When you engage a potential client, your goal is to prove that you are trustworthy, experienced and capable enough to handle this company’s most important hires.

Identify new client leads

Use your network

Begin your bizdev efforts

Cold outreach is still alive and well — although it has gotten harder in recent years.

And Loxo’s Sales CRM can help you identify well-matched companies and build effective outreach campaigns that help you grow and nurture a healthy sales pipeline.

Starting an exec search firm: brass tacks

At the end of the day, this much is true:

Building a successful exec search firm from the ground up takes a lot of effort — but with the right direction, people, and technology, it’s possible.

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