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Blog Post

A Letter to our Loxo Community

Dear Loxo Family,

You may not know this, but every morning our entire company meets for our daily standup where we discuss everything from customer requests to product issues to growth initiatives. Nothing is off limits, and everyone contributes.

During these meetings, we only have two requirements — radical candor and transparency. Candor and transparency are core pillars of our company culture, and I believe they are a necessity for all members of our team to be successful in their individual roles.

In the interest of transparency and because it is long overdue for one of my updates, I would like to give you more insight into recent happenings at Loxo.

During our daily standup several weeks ago, our team debated whether we should survey our customers. We discussed what we wanted to know, what we should ask, and what information would help us take Loxo to the next level. In the end, we decided to keep it simple.

As you already know, almost two weeks ago we sent out the survey asking for your feedback on different areas of our business from your overall satisfaction with the product to the quality of our support.

To be completely honest, I only expected to receive a handful of responses, but I was wrong. Within minutes of sending, the responses came pouring in, and I was overwhelmed by your support, your willingness to share feedback, and your commitment to helping us make Loxo better together as a community. Thank you!

We looked at the aggregated data and poured over the individual feedback, giving careful to attention to each response. We discussed, debated, and identified both short and long-term solutions to the challenges presented.

After reviewing the results, trends became quickly apparent, and I would like to provide you with some background.

  • Search: Several of you shared frustrations regarding how search results are ranked in Loxo. Since we have sent out the survey, we updated our search algorithm and weighting to provide you with better, more targeted results. I hope that you are already seeing the results of our efforts. If you continue to experience issues, let us know.
  • Chrome Extension: This was by far the number one topic mentioned with many of you expressing displeasure at our decision to modify this feature. Please know that we completely understand your frustration and are just as disheartened by this as you. This decision was necessitated due to circumstances beyond our control, and we believe that all recruiting ATS/CRM’s and executive recruiting software will have to make similar changes shortly. However, all is not lost if you decide you want to use chrome extensions. There are a myriad of third-party extensions that external companies have built specifically to integrate with ATS and CRM’s. Many of these third-party extensions will provide you with similar functionality giving you the freedom to choose what works best for you, and because the chrome extension is their entire business they can focus all their energy and resources on helping you be more efficient in your daily workflow. If you find a third-party extension that you like on the open web or chrome store, let us know and we’ll see if we can integrate it with Loxo. In 2018, we will build out a marketplace for partners, third-party tools and add-ons. There will be updates on chrome extension options in the coming weeks.
  • New Feature Development: I was blown away by the volume and quality of new ideas suggested and wanted to build a better solution to collect, track, and manage that feedback over time. Our Growth and Customer Success teams put their heads together, and I’m excited to share with you the results of their efforts. Meet our new Feature Request page. Use this form to submit your ideas as often as you would like. Our team is actively managing the incoming requests and using this information to identify common trends and new features for development. While we cannot build every feature, this feedback will be invaluable as we continue to build a more dynamic product roadmap that better aligns with your needs.
Loxo Blog
Feature Request Page
  • Team Growth / Product Innovation: The size of our customer base and our Loxo community grew exponentially over the past year. While we are extremely grateful for our growth, it has also strained our engineering resources, preventing us from developing features and addressing issues as quickly as we would like. As a result, our top priority is expanding our data migration team, and we will be making significant investments to keep ahead of our ambitious growth curve.
Loxo Blog
Feature Request Page
  • Support: Last year, our number one priority was to improve our support and build out a world-class Customer Success function. Your feedback proved that our investment paid off. Of all the attributes, support was ranked by far the highest. We are proud of this accomplishment but know that there is still room for improvement. We are actively identifying new ways to expand our support from additional resources to more personalized trainings. Also, if you ever feel you need for additional training on any of the Loxo features, please do not hesitate to contact our team. Our number one goal is your success.
Loxo Blog
Feature Request Page
  • Requested Follow Ups: Several of you indicated that you would like to be personally contacted about your responses. Our Customer Success team has been following up with individuals as we see new requests; however, we were unable to identify some users. If someone did not follow up you, please send a note to our Growth Lead at

Thank you for all of your thoughtful feedback. I’m energized by your responses and could not be more excited for the great things we will accomplish in 2018. This will be the best year yet for Loxo users, and I am so grateful that you have chosen to take this journey with us. We are in this together; without your support and trust as your technology partner, none of this would be possible.

Thank you,

Matt Chambers

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Feature Request Page

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