How To Find Nurses To Hire

If your organization is in the healthcare industry, you already know how hard it can be to recruit healthcare professionals today. With the ongoing talent shortage and the increasing need for nurses, doctors, and other healthcare professionals, recruitment in healthcare is quickly becoming one of the most challenging recruitment processes. However, just because there are a plethora of nurse recruitment challenges to overcome does not mean that there are no tips and tricks that you can use to hire these highly sought-after professionals.One of the most common recruitment challenges in healthcare is finding ways to attract talent and manage candidates as they progress through the recruitment process. Figuring out ways to attract talent is likely one of the most sought-after types of low-cost strategies for recruiting nurses. When there are a hundred open nursing positions available but only a handful of nurses available for hire, anything you can do to grab their attention is crucial. Luckily, one easy way to attract nurses to your organization rather than a competitor is to offer the most straightforward and efficient recruitment process. To do this, you can use a CRM (candidate relationship management) software solution like Loxo.The benefit of CRM software is that it makes it easy to manage and help your candidates through the recruitment process — which helps them feel more supported and cared for in your organization. This is a determining factor for many young professionals today who expect a certain level of support from their employers, so it is crucial to demonstrate this from the very first interaction a potential hire has with your business.

Nursing Recruitment Strategies

Unfortunately, the hiring process is typically riddled with challenges that can make recruitment a very taxing endeavor. Many of the challenges that you may face during your nurse recruitment campaigns are likely to be in the areas mentioned below. Luckily, many of these particular challenges are easily addressed using effective automated recruitment software solutions like Loxo.Some of the most prevalent recruitment challenges you will face are as follows.

  • Lack of candidate engagement
  • Credentials validity compliance
  • Shift scheduling and management
  • Talent shortage v. high demand

There are, of course, several other challenges that you may run into in your recruitment efforts, but these four challenges are typically the most widespread. This is because, as mentioned above, when it comes to the healthcare industry, there is an incredibly high demand for new professionals and new talent, but there is typically not enough of that talent pool to go around. For this reason, it is essential that you ensure that your application and onboarding processes are as streamlined and straightforward as you can make them. This will help set you ahead of your competitors, who may have more complicated or tedious recruiting efforts that take both hiring teams and candidates longer to process.The bottom line in recruiting today is that you are advertising to your potential employees as much as they are advertising themselves to you as a potential hire. So, whether you are looking for creative ways to recruit nurses or simply want to promote your open positions to more healthcare professionals in your area, there are a few strategies that you can use. For example, advertising open positions on several platforms or locations and utilizing a recruiting software or platform to ensure your processes are simple and efficient for both your hiring teams and the candidates applying.In the past, recruitment for nurses was only done on official platforms, and only nurses with high-quality experience were even considered for an open position. Today, however, there is a shortage of nurses (and other healthcare professionals), so many companies are finding a need to expand their recruitment strategies. One of the ways that you can do this is to think about where to recruit nurses. Of course, you can (and should) still advertise open positions and job opportunities on official healthcare websites and platforms. But you can also air these positions on your organization’s social media accounts. It is crucial to include in these position descriptions what professional development and company culture offerings your organization has. These are becoming increasingly critical in an individual’s decision about where to work, especially among the younger generations.

Nursing Recruitment Campaign

If you have spent a lot of time looking up things like “how to be a nurse recruiter” or “how to recruit nurses during a shortage,” you’re likely already familiar with the concept of using a recruitment platform or software solution to create recruitment campaigns. The truth is, as more and more options arise for upcoming talent, businesses need to step up in terms of recruiting strategies. Upcoming nurses and other healthcare professionals have the pick of the litter when it comes to where to work because of the severe nursing shortage that we are experiencing today.So, when it comes to recruiting nurses, the best strategy you can implement is to streamline your recruitment process. There are many ways that you can do this, but the easiest method (by far) is to implement a recruitment software system. Now, many recruitment software solutions may be able to help you improve one or two areas of your recruitment process, but if you want to get the well-rounded and streamlined process that will make your best candidates choose you over the competition, you’ll want to opt for an all-in-one platform or software.No more wondering how to retain and recruit nurses. With an all-in-one recruitment software solution like Loxo, you can easily customize and simplify your recruitment process and get reports on what is (and what is not) working in your current recruitment strategy. This way, you can focus on finding the right talent for your positions rather than constantly wondering what you need to improve. Logo’s comprehensive reporting system makes it easy to identify what is working well in your nurse recruitment processes and what needs to be improved. Pair this reporting system with the user-friendly interface and customizable workflows, and you have the perfect recipe for a successful recruitment strategy that allows you to bring in a wider net of qualified candidates.

Sample Recruitment Plan For Nurses

Even if you are familiar with creating nurse recruitment campaigns, chances are, you are currently relying on a combination of ATS (applicant tracking system), CRM (candidate relationship management), data and sourcing, and outbound recruitment tools to create these campaigns. While this can work, if you are trying to improve your nurse recruitment and retention strategies, the first place to start is with the systems you are using. The unfortunate truth is that there is no way that you can create a seamless and streamlined recruitment process for your candidates (and your hiring teams) when you are using five different tools for your recruitment efforts.Whether you are trying to implement more creative nurse recruitment strategies or simply trying to simplify your current recruitment process, the best place to start is by condensing all of your recruitment processes into a single system like Loxo. With Loxo, you can control your entire recruitment lifecycle with an artificial intelligence (AI) talent platform that learns with you. Loxo’s AI-powered platform can handle the following crucial elements of your recruitment process from a single, easy-to-use platform.

  • Detail hiring preferences and use AI to learn your business’s preferences.
  • Suggesting potential candidates and candidate sourcing.
  • Applicant tracking throughout the recruitment process.
  • Automating repetitive tasks — such as sending emails and recruitment processes.
  • Offer a detailed overview of your talent pool and applicant progress.

So, if you are wondering how to recruit nurses for long-term care positions, you may want to upgrade your recruitment processes with software like Loxo. This software allows you to quickly create and implement all of your recruitment plans so you can spend more time looking for qualified candidates and funneling them through your intuitive recruitment process.

How To Recruit Nurses During A Nursing Shortage

The truth is there is one simple and effective way to address many of the healthcare staffing challenges that your organization faces. This solution is optimizing your nurse recruitment campaigns and your overall recruitment strategy. There are many ways that you can do this, but the most effective is to utilize a recruitment platform or software like Loxo. Loxo combines all of the valuable resources you need for your recruitment processes — such as AI sourcing, ATS, and CRM — into a single, user-friendly interface. This allows you to spend more of your time figuring out creative nurse recruitment strategies that will set you apart from the competition. With Loxo’s recruitment software, you can easily simplify workflows, cut costs, and dramatically improve your recruitment processes so that your candidates feel supported throughout their entire journey.In conclusion, if you have been looking for answers on how to recruit nurses in today’s world, the best solution you can find is to work on your recruitment process. Nurses have so many options when they enter the professional field because of the high demand for them. You must ensure that your organization is at the top of their wishlist if you want to come out on top. By creating a more streamlined recruitment process, you open the door for a more supported and engaging recruitment which can be the key to not only recruiting nurses but also how to retain nurses in your organization.