AI Recruiting Software

For enterprises, finding and hiring employees is a constant and complex process. At different points in the company’s journey, the HR department could be looking to recruit thousands of applicants for jobs all around the world. As any business professional knows, finding the right candidates for every task is vital. The problem is that listing jobs and finding the right matches with traditional methods takes a lot of time. This results in higher costs, lost time, and lower overall productivity. So, what is the answer? Utilize AI recruiting software.We know the first thing you are going to say: What? Using Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources and recruiting? That is not exactly “human.” True, but this kind of AI bias overlooks the fact that AI recruitment software is a tool and not a replacement for HR tasks. Even with AI tools, a person must still sort and review potential candidates for a position. Artificial Intelligence simply makes this a faster and easier job.Another often-repeated protest against companies using AI for recruitment is that there can be bias and discrimination in AI algorithms that can affect the hiring process. Among the few AI discrimination examples, many will cite the 2015 study of Amazon’s hiring algorithm, which favored men over women. While these risks do exist in Artificial Intelligence tools, there are a few sure ways to eliminate them, including the following:

  • Thoroughly test the tool before releasing it,
  • Standardize the algorithm based on ethics,
  • Ensure the training data is diversified,
  • And improve with diverse feedback.

With the right kind of AI development, AI recruiting software can be the ideal solution to long hours spent finding the perfect candidate. Loxo is an example of this. It is an all-in-one recruitment platform that uses AI to get smarter with every search, helping companies find the right match for every job posting quickly and efficiently.

AI Recruitment

Those concerned about AI recruitment bias are somewhat justified in their worries. There have been several well-documented instances of AI and machine learning tools being discriminatory towards certain groups because of how they were developed and trained. This is one of the areas that has caused certain individuals and companies to highlight the problems with AI in recruitment. If an AI recruitment tool is biased and discriminatory, then it is worse than useless. No company should sacrifice ethics for efficiency. Is this still such a genuine problem, though? Allow us to look at some AI in recruitment statistics to answer this question.

  • In a study by Tidio, 68% of recruiters believe introducing AI into the hiring process will reduce unintentional bias.
  • In that same study, only 18% of recruiters believe AI bias is a significant danger.
  • Lastly, 85% of those recruiters said that AI is a useful technology for the hiring process.

So, AI bias is not such a problem after all. Additionally, with the right algorithms and tests, any remaining bias that pops up in an AI recruitment agency or tool can easily be removed to make the system more ethical. What about the future of AI in recruitment? Is it a bright one? The answer is yes. The benefits of AI in recruitment are many. As technology advances, it will become even more useful, and developers will be able to solve any remaining problems as they become better acquainted with the technology. Currently, these benefits include reduced costs, less time and effort, and increased user satisfaction with the entire recruitment process. Loxo’s AI recruiting automation tool is a trusted ally of some of the biggest names in corporate enterprises, including Amazon, Cigna, and Whole Foods. These and many more companies trust AI to provide the effective and ethical help they need in the hiring process.

AI Recruiting Companies

Companies using AI in HR hiring and recruitment often turn to various solutions for unique tasks. Take an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) for an example. This special tool is designed to help recruiters track applicants throughout the entire recruitment journey, from application to onboarding. When companies use an ATS with AI technology, they benefit from machine learning capabilities that can sort, filter, and predict without human intervention. An AI-powered ATS is a very helpful tool, but it can only handle one piece of the hiring puzzle.Another tool that companies harness that uses AI for HR recruitment is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. This technology allows companies to manage relationships with candidates and eliminate manual data entry tasks. However, like an ATS, a CRM covers another piece of the journey but only part of it. In addition to these two AI-powered tools, many companies utilize Outbound Recruitment and Data and Sourcing tools to improve the recruitment process. All told, then, enterprises that use these tools have to jump between several separate software technologies when finding and hiring candidates, leading to a reduction in productivity.Among all of the AI recruiting tools that exist for businesses, there is only one company that provides an enterprise-grade CRM/ATS solution that can manage all of these aspects of recruiting. AI recruiting companies seem to all be focused on helping recruiters with one part of the job, but not Loxo. The state-of-the-art recruitment technology that Loxo provides to enterprises combines all of these various tools into one AI-powered recruiting platform. This combination eliminates the time-consuming transition between various technologies and uses AI to boost efficiency, so companies can simplify workflows, cut costs, and radically improve performance.

AI Recruiting Tool

An AI recruiting tool can take many different forms. As mentioned, these technologies can include ATS, CRM, Outbound Recruiting tools, and Data and Sourcing tools. Talent Acquisition tools are another name for these AI software solutions. Additionally, a tool like Loxo’s all-in-one platform can combine all of the benefits of AI in recruitment into one software. The question remains, however: with so many choices, how do you know what makes up the best AI tools? Our answer: start by looking at some AI in recruitment statistics to find out what is most commonly desired in an AI hiring tool.You will find that one of the most important parts that make up the best AI tools is that they do not contain any AI hiring bias in their algorithms. Before developers realized that this could be an issue and that a machine that learns from biased people, intentionally or unintentionally, will become biased itself unless certain checks and standards are put in place, AI recruitment discrimination was one of the biggest disadvantages of AI in recruitment. Now, however, this disadvantage can be solved, and Artificial Intelligence in recruitment and selection need no longer be feared as unethical. Still, it is wise to research any potential AI-powered recruitment tools to ensure the developers have set standards to prevent AI bias.Overall, the best AI recruiting software is one that can combine all of the advantages of AI-powered technologies without the disadvantages of unintentional bias. Furthermore, look at AI in recruitment examples. You will find that a recruitment solution that can handle the entire recruiting/hiring lifecycle in a single platform, like Loxo’s, will be the most efficient and organized way to recruit candidates. The best AI recruiting tool will also be trusted by other well-known enterprises, so your company can rest assured that the technology is tried and true.

AI Recruitment Case Study

Artificial Intelligence in recruitment is a subject that has only recently come into its own. With the ability to solve AI bias issues before they ever affect recruitment, companies have begun to realize that AI is the future of efficient and capable enterprise recruitment processes. AI in HR statistics show that 1 in 4 companies intend to start using or increase their use of AI in recruitment over the next five years. For enterprises interested in learning more about this technology before making a business case, HR departments should look at the AI use cases in HR.There are a few different methods to find use cases. The first is to take a look at an AI in recruitment research paper. These can be easily found online. An alternative is an AI in recruitment dissertation, but this could be more difficult to access. The most scholarly choice is to analyze a literature review on Artificial Intelligence in recruitment. Two prominent studies were published by _Strategic HR Review_ and the _International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology_, respectively. The first is Boris Altemeyer’s “Making the Business Case for AI in HR: Two Case Studies,” which explores the benefits of AI in different aspects of HR tasks in light of two examples. Secondly is Geetha and Bhanu Sree Reddy’s “Recruitment Through Artificial Intelligence: A Conceptual Study,” which covers the subject from the specific point of view of recruitment processes.Another way to learn more about AI recruiting software and its role in the hiring process is to review a specific AI in recruitment case study. This can be one of the best ways to analyze the opportunities and risks of Artificial Intelligence in recruitment and selection. More than this, an AI recruitment case study can demonstrate how an enterprise can use a specific AI recruiting software to its advantage. For instance, the case study of Search Consulting Network, an award-winning MRINetwork Search Consulting firm, which transitioned away from a traditional ATS/CRM that they had been using for twenty years to Loxo’s AI-powered recruitment platform can reveal something about Loxo’s tool–namely, that it is the only all-in-one AI recruitment tool specifically designed for enterprises and trusted by some of the biggest names in business.AI recruitment software is the future of finding and hiring candidates for all enterprise job openings. With Loxo, companies can improve efficiency and lower costs, all while being sure of an unbiased recruitment process.