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Blog Post

Talent Acquisition Enters New Era as Smart Assistants, Chatbots & Artificial Intelligence Loom

Loxo Blog
Talent Intelligence for the Web 3.0

Before I share our vision for what lies ahead in 2017, I’d like to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to the customers who’ve chosen Loxo as their technology partner. Every decision we make, every feature we build, every priority we debate, has you at the heart of the business. You are our raison d’être.

The marketplace for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) has exploded. There are now over 350 different ATS.’ Despite the fierce competition, Loxo has climbed from the basement (startup garage in our case), to an emerging leader of recruitment software for executive search and staffing firms.

We persisted against all odds, because we are deeply committed to building what is coming next. We knew the time would come when a traditional ATS no longer met the needs of the market, so we created the software that recruiters would need in the web 3.0 world.

For those of you who’ve already discovered Loxo, you know that there is something very different about us.

Loxo Blog
Talent Intelligence for the Web 3.0
Loxo was founded with the mission to help people reach their greatest potential. In essence we are building a bridge between the old economy and the new intelligent web 3.0 world we are entering.

As a recruiting professional you introduce people to a better life; you encourage them to walk across a proverbial bridge from something that is familiar to something which is unknown.

You stop people dead in their tracks and connect them to the right purpose at the right time. In doing so you are improving not only that person’s future, but also their family’s future, and as a by-product you’re improving the community they live in and our socioeconomic system as a whole.

Machine Intelligence and the Web 3.0 Era Will Change Everything

Loxo Blog
Talent Intelligence for the Web 3.0

The reality we all face is that our socioeconomic system is going to change before our very eyes. Technical innovation will redefine the way the world works. From a career path perspective this will challenge the notion that one should climb a linear corporate ladder.

In order to flourish in this emerging era it will necessitate continuous learning, curiosity, and adaptation. Career paths will be more fluid, organizations will be more agile and the distributed workforce and freelance economy will become the modus operandi.

Executive search, staffing agencies and RPO’s will be asked to play a more active role in this ensuing ecosystem. The increased fluidity of the labor force combined with the continuously shifting requirements of employers, will position recruiting and talent acquisition as one of the most in demand professions in the decade ahead.

We expect, like many others, that this will lead to a sustained period of growth and opportunity for those who have the courage to be bold and embrace what is coming next. This is why we exist. Loxo is a bridge between the old and the new and is the only talent acquisition platform that was created from day 1 for the web 3.0 era.

The more things change — the more they stay the same

Change is constant but if you look around, the majority is waiting, watching and hoping to standstill — it’s more comfortable that way. How each of us react to the winds of change is a basic part of human nature and every social, business and product cycle.

Loxo Blog
Talent Intelligence for the Web 3.0

The future of recruiting isn’t about becoming an influencer on Snapchat™. It’s not about wasting money on SEO ninja magic to drive traffic to your agency website, it’s not about recruitment marketing, and definitely is not about employment branding no matter what bull shit the industry’s marketers and the influencers are trying to sell you on.

Recruiting will always will be about people and helping match talent with the right purpose at the right time. If you do that, and do it well, you’ll enjoy the decade ahead. The tools and technologies that help you solve that part of the equation more efficiently, will reign supreme.

As we enter 2017, I can assure you that we are more committed than ever to achieving our mission, and there has never been a more exciting time to be in the executive search and staffing space.

Loxo Blog
Talent Intelligence for the Web 3.0

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