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Sourcing Strategies for Today’s Recruiting Firms

Companies today list effective recruitment and developing effective sourcing strategies as one of their top priorities, but also as one of their biggest pain-points. This article is designed to answer some of the questions you may have in regards to different sourcing strategies and candidate sourcing tools, such as:

  • What are the best sourcing strategies?
  • What are the best sourcing tools for recruiters?
  • Where are the best sourcing websites?
  • What is the best way to source candidates?
  • What is the top sourcing meaning in hr?

As Millenials and Gen-Zers rapidly take their place as the cornerstone of the modern workforce, different types of sourcing strategies and new methods of sourcing candidates must be employed. The millennial culture doesn’t always click with the “job for life” attitude indicative of Baby Boomers, and as a result, recruitment sourcing techniques must evolve. Given this shift in workforce priorities, recruiters have more sourcing and recruiting work on their plates than ever before, and candidate sourcing services and candidate sourcing companies are springing up left and right to meet the demand.Sourcing personnel must have effective candidate sourcing strategies in recruitment in order to remain competitive. The current climate demands that recruiters be proactive in developing their sourcing plan for recruiting and finding sources of candidates for recruitment. The only way to maintain a viable sourcing process in recruitment is to be innovative and adaptive when seeking candidates to source. It’s time to adopt more candidate friendly and proactive sourcing practices.Let’s take a look at some recruitment sourcing strategy examples and sourcing tips and tricks that will help give you an edge in the modern workforce.

Source From Your Talent Pool

This is a truly great sourcing hack, especially if you’ve been a proactive sourcing recruiter and brought high-quality candidates into your network over a long period. Returning to your pool of candidates worked and built a connection with, is one of the easiest sourcing resumes techniques for beefing up your pipeline. This is especially true because over 90% of workers today report that they are still interested in hearing and discussing new opportunities. Leverage your team's past efforts and connections by beginning every search with reaching out to the candidates you have already invested time and energy into. It is one of the most underutilized recruitment sourcing methods and guaranteed to bring you a higher return on investment.

Build An Attractive Brand

One byproduct of the age of digital marketing is that younger generations are more likely to be loyal to a company they feel an emotional connection to. When sourcing through social media you must ensure that your company’s brand is appealing, approachable, and relatable. Collaborate with your marketing division to create a unique sourcing profile and voice and make sure it translates over into your methods for recruiting candidates.

Use AI In Sourcing

Using an applicant tracking system (ATS) that employs AI and machine learning can be an immense benefit when looking for sources of candidates for recruitment. Sourcing can benefit from AI in two ways: automation and accuracy.Automated sourcing uses recruitment technology for sourcing roles & responsibilities in candidates online, who fit the requirements of your role. This not only improves your efficiency metrics but decreases time-to-fill and cost-per-hire as well. Platforms like Loxo use cutting edge AI applications to ensure you source the widest range of most qualified candidates for recruitment. As an added bonus, an ATS that uses AI will ensure there is no human bias when sourcing, which helps the most qualified candidate get considered for the job.

Be More Creative Than Just Asking For A Resume

You want to engage candidates when sourcing applicants, and it helps for the application process to be exciting and engaging. Give candidates short skill challenges when applying for a position. One of the best ways of sourcing skills in recruitment is to start the recruitment process with a short test. By using sourcing techniques and methodologies that are more creative than asking for a resume, like taking a short test, you liven up the recruitment process and remove the barriers to apply for jobs.

Utilize Employee Networks for Candidate Sourcing

You can expand your talent pool dramatically by sourcing candidates through your employee’s networks, which can be an even more effective talent sourcing strategy than a cloud sourcing strategy. For recruiters looking for different types of sourcing in recruitment, this is a truly outside-of-the-box approach. Look to see if anyone in your client’s employee networks would be a good match for open positions. Most likely, this will yield a list of untapped talent that couldn’t be sourced in any other way. Facebook and LinkedIn, for instance, will show your employees different candidate search results based on their own social graph, so you can uncover candidates you wouldn’t have otherwise found. When you find a qualified candidate, request your employee to make an introduction. This, rather than sending a cold email, will increase your candidate response rate.It is an exciting time to work in recruiting. Creative and outside of the box thinking is becoming a necessity in the field, especially when pitching clients with your recruitment sourcing strategy ppt. It is a challenging time as well, but don’t let that be discouraging. With all the world’s knowledge at our fingertips, there are more resources than ever before to ensure you have the most effective candidate sourcing techniques ever.Loxo is an all-in-one candidate sourcing platform that combines your agency's ATS and CRM to streamline processes while sourcing better candidates. Powered by AI, Loxo finds the best candidates in your industry while you sleep, and automatically populates you ATS with information from multiple online sources. To see Loxo in action you can book a demo here or sign up for Loxo’s free version here.

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