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Remote Hiring Guide

The COVID-19 pandemic has had huge ramifications on the hiring industry, both within the US and globally. Recruiters have a huge role to play in the outbreak as millions of Americans are out of work and looking to get back into the job market. In order to face these challenges, however, recruiters need to adapt and transition to a remote hiring model. As businesses adjust to the changes, they’re going to need to start looking for candidates to work remotely, and they’re going to need recruiters to have competent remote hiring practices to fill those needs.Below is a comprehensive remote hiring guide to help you transform the way you attract and retain top talent.

Remote Hiring Guide: Attracting Remote Candidates

Attracting new remote hires is not all that different from a pre-social distancing hiring climate. You’re still going to be posting ads on job boards and you’re still competing with other recruiters for top talent.What will change, however, is how well you can effectively communicate, present your brand, and build trust and confidence in an otherwise precarious moment.Here are a few ways you can attract remote candidates.

  • Rebuilding your brand: Recruiters will have to adjust their brand image to fit the growing needs of remote hiring. This means your online presence--whether it be on job boards, social media, or other online outlets--needs to clearly show that you’re ready to face the challenges of a remote job market. Providing guidance through informative videos, articles, and blog posts are just a few ways you can establish your brand as a reliable source in an otherwise trying period.
  • Increased Job Posting: With more candidates returning to the hiring market, recruiters are going to need to increase their job posting capabilities. This means entering more job hiring websites and emphasizing, in the job descriptions and job titles, the need for remote workers. All of the established best practices still apply, but hiring teams should adapt their descriptions to fit remote needs.
  • Utilize your Database: This is the best time to utilize your CRM+ATS technology in order to reach out to candidates. A large percentage of passive candidates will become active, and you want to be there with a personal email to inform candidates of all the upcoming job openings. AI messaging technology will allow you to scale your emails while retaining a personal touch.

Remote Hiring Guide: Virtual Screening

Virtual screening is not all that different for remote hires than it is for in-house hires. Utilizing the tools of recruitment automation in order to streamline the tedious process of screening resumes is still going to be an important part of an efficient screening model.Recruiters can, however, utilize some new ways to get a closer look at a candidate’s remote work setting. One creative way to do this is to ask for video introductions.Recruiters can ask remote candidates to submit short, self-recorded videos where they can introduce themselves. Not only will this give recruiters a better idea of who the candidates in review are, but it also allows recruiters to assess the candidate’s ability to complete a task from home. Recruiters can take a look at their at-home work setting, their ability to complete basic tasks from their computers, and their professionalism as a remote worker.

Remote Hiring Guide: Video Interviews

Recruiters will need to become familiar with several video and chat applications as the market transitions to a remote environment. Phone calls and emails will still be necessary, but familiarizing your team with Zoom, GoToMeeting, Skype, and other popular video platforms will be important to maximize your ability to conduct interviews. Additionally, it’s also a good way to test your candidate’s on their ability to adapt to changes and utilize video platforms they may not be familiar with.

Questions to Ask Remote Workers During An Interview

  • Do you have access to a computer or laptop and a reliable internet connection?
  • Have you worked remotely before? What was your biggest challenge?
  • How do you schedule your work day from home?
  • How do you avoid distractions from home while you’re working?
  • Do you have a reliable microphone, headset, or sound system?
  • What would you do if your internet disconnected in the middle of a meeting?
  • How would you go about storing important documents and files safely from home?

The transition to a remote national job market Is going to start with the recruiting process. Hiring leaders should utilize the need for remote workers as an opportunity to redefine their brand, build trust in the industry, and set a positive tone with both clients and candidates.With the help of Loxo AI and automation, you can screen, source, and manage your remote hires and job openings. Loxo’s cutting edge CRM+ATS technology will allow you to adapt to today’s challenges and Loxo’s personalized AI messaging software will allow you to meet the demands of a high-volume job market.Embrace your role as a leader in a remote hiring market and see a Loxo demo today.

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