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Introducing: Loxo Email Campaigns

It’s time to set your email outreach on auto-pilot. Sales and marketing professionals have been using automated email drip campaigns for years.

The majority of recruiting and staffing professionals have no idea that this tactic alone can help them accomplish weeks worth of work in a single day. This compounds the more jobs and recruiters an agency or organization has.

What Problem does this solve for you?

Time. You no longer have to follow up with people all day, and instead you can focus your time on talking to the people who are eager and ready. The few executive search firms that have stealthily employed this warm outreach tactic have had groundbreaking success. The problem however, is that they were stuck using tools built for inside sales teams.

Cost and complexity. These tools like or SalesLoft can start at $8,000 per year, are technical to setup, takes months to learn, and worst of all they are not even part of the a recruiting workflow or integrated with your core ATS, core executive recruiting software, or core recruiting CRM. Meaning you have to use many additional tools and pay for lots of different software solutions. Your total cost of ownership for all these modern tools can run you into the ten’s of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars depending on the size of your recruiting organization.

Ease of use. We felt it was time recruiters gained access to the same world-class tools. Loxo Campaigns allows you to do more faster, and work smarter than ever before. This time it’s built for recruiters doing passive recruiting at scale, and the best part is that it is very simple and easy to use.

Competitive advantage. Now, with Loxo Campaigns, you can recruit 10 times faster, with less stress and have more conversations with less effort.

Email is an indispensable tool in the recruiting world but being able to set an automated campaign either for prospective clients or potential candidates will launch your business above competitors as you automate and optimize a key tool in your communication. The building blocks for a successful email campaign are 1) know your audience, 2) invest in your content and 3) optimize your results.

Use metrics to improve your next campaign and optimize results on the Loxo Dashboard.

Know your Audience

Anyone can blast a database with an email message. But an impersonal message that is not relevant is easy to spot and will be ineffective to getting a response. We’ve all received these types of emails before and we all know how quickly we hit the “delete” button. So, before you set up an email campaign, think about who your target audience is. Some questions you may want to consider are: Who do I want to target? What subset of candidates or sales prospects in my database do I want to email? What is my objective? Am I trying to schedule a meeting, have them select a time to interview, or just build a relationship? What value will I provide to the audience so that they are excited to receive future email campaigns? What sequence of emails will lead to the highest connection rates and deliver the results I need? If your email isn’t to the right people, with relevant context, your email messages will go unread or be filtered into the trash.

Your audience will inform who to include in your email campaign and will also influence the content of the email (we’ll talk about this next). With Loxo Campaigns, you can send campaigns for business development purposes or to potential candidates. Segmenting your audience is key to building content. Instead of blasting all potential client companies, identifying a niche client will enable you to build a higher value proposition email. For example, targeting small software startups in and around San Francisco will have a different message than targeting well-established healthcare companies. While they both might be your target clients, breaking these out into two separate campaigns will enable you to better target each.

Similarly, while it might be tempting to blast your database of potential candidates, creating a unique email campaign for a specific audience will garner a higher response rate. Segment out your database with tags and other unique identifiers. Then, for example, you could build a campaign to target new graduates with a specific degree or background. Knowing who you are targeting is the first step for a successful email campaign.

Invest in your Content

After identifying who you are targeting, the next step is to invest in your content. Investing in your content builds off of truly understanding who your target audience is. What do they find valuable? What can you offer these companies with your recruiting talent that another teams can’t? What is the benefit for them? Taking time to understand what your audience needs and how you can solve their problem is paramount for providing valuable communication that won’t be immediately filtered into spam.

Loxo email Campaigns allow you to create any number of emails in a drip and set the timing between when each is received. The content in each email should directly benefit the receiver. When thinking about your content, write your emails based on a reader’s question “What’s in it for me?” If you are working on a business development campaign to potential new clients, how can you showcase that you understand their culture, can save them time, and deliver their next best employee? For passive candidates, you must demonstrate enough benefit or curiosity on their end to entertain a call or further information on your open role. Knowing your audience and then investing in the content they will receive is based on the value you can offer. Make it simple, short and relevant to the reader.

Optimize your Results

Once you’ve identified your audience, tailored your messages and sent your first campaign, the last step of your email campaign strategy is to optimize your results. Here is where you look back at your campaign and asses the results to make changes to the next set. With Loxo Campaigns, you are able to view open, click, download and response rates on your campaign dashboard. Your metrics directly correlate to if you have the right audience and if your content offer values. Low open and response rates indicate you do not have the right audience, your content isn’t valuable or a combination of both.

Use metrics to improve your next campaign and optimize results on the Loxo Dashboard.

Using Loxo email Campaign metrics will enable you to tweak your strategy and improve your results. One way you can do this is to break one audience segment into two groups and A/B test your content. From here, you can continue tweaking your segmentation and content to capture the highest response rate and ultimately more recruiting business.

Set up your first email Campaign with Loxo to start automating your business and increase productively. Keep in mind who you need to communicate with, the value you can provide and always learn from your sent campaigns to improve the next.

Use metrics to improve your next campaign and optimize results on the Loxo Dashboard.

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