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Boolean Recruiting: A Complete Guide

Boolean Recruiting

Every recruiter can relate to the tediousness of combing through resumes and websites in search of a hidden gem. And, in recent years, artificial intelligence-powered recruitment technologies have been introduced to the mix, adding a degree of complexity and length to advanced search techniques. Despite this technological advancement, there is one method that is often overlooked: the Boolean recruiting method.In this article, we will look at how the Boolean recruiting method has become an asset to recruitment processes, technologies used for Boolean recruiting, such as Boolean search string generators, and some of the disadvantages posed by the Boolean recruiting method. Let's take a look.

Background and Origin

George Boole, an English mathematician, created the Boolean search in 1847. He outlined the idea and guiding ideas in his ground-breaking book, “The Mathematical Analysis of Logic.” Since the publication of this book, search engines, virtual databases, and libraries almost universally use Boolean as their preferred tool.Boolean recruiting is an art form that every recruiter must master. It becomes imperative when the demand for the ideal fit becomes more pressing. After all, we all understand how important it is to identify competent individuals and remain competitive in the market. However, 74% of companies still struggle to do so.The Boolean recruitment method is an advanced search technique that uses specific Boolean operators. The advanced Boolean search string operators consist of particular symbols and words. These operators categorize and include only specific terms and keywords while omitting unneeded ones. Boolean search in recruiting enables you to use sizable databases like CRMs, LinkedIn, Indeed, or Google to do searches that swiftly locate appropriate candidates. It's a time-saver and a powerful tool for finding the precise candidate profiles you need. With a Boolean search, you will always have a list of necessary abilities and credentials that make an ideal prospect when sourcing candidates. However, these applicants are frequently quite hard to locate, especially if they aren't actively looking for new employment. To focus solely on the applicants who meet their requirements, recruiters can utilize an advanced Boolean search to narrow down search results in their preferred platform. In short, Boolean search strings for recruiters expedite and improve the recruitment process.

Why Should You Use a Boolean Search?

Utilizing a Boolean string generator for recruiters can have many benefits. Some of them include:

  • Reduction in the amount of time and effort spent manually sorting through mountains of data
  • Increased efficacy of internal HR systems
  • Expanded reach and potential of free search engines and websites
  • Possibility to create effective yet adjustable search strings to fit any job requirement and vacant position
  • Allows you to locate talent that would otherwise go undiscovered

Boolean Search Recruiter Cheat Sheet

You can find hundreds of resumes and profiles using straightforward Boolean search terms on Google. However, not every applicant you find will have the qualifications you want. Increasing the intricacy of your searches and adding Boolean keywords can help you find ideal candidates with the matching skills and qualifications.Below is a Boolean search recruiter cheat sheet with some of the most common Boolean operators and technologies recruiters use to find candidates with the ideal skills and experience. AND: When you want to include two or more search criteria, you use the AND operator. It's typically used to limit search results by introducing a second variable that has to appear in the search result. OR: If you use the OR operator in your search string, it means you want to view results that include several items or variables. This operation broadens the scope of the information included in the results. NOT: The NOT operator is useful when you want to omit a particular condition or criterion.FILETYPE: The FILETYPE operator searches for pdfs, docs and other file types. QUOTATION MARKS ("" ): QUOTATION MARKS in a boolean search are used when looking for specific terms. PARENTHESES (): The PARENTHESES operators determine which sections of the search take precedence over others. They clarify which passages you might highlight, contrast, or exclude. NEAR: With NEAR, you can look for particular words or phrases that are close to one another in a document, on a website, or wherever else you're browsing.

Technologies That Help Recruiters With Searches

Recent technological advancements have provided tools to help with your talent search. Employing sourcing tools can help you find applicants and keep track of correspondence with them. Additionally, these tools increase the number of applicants you find quickly and increase your productivity.

Boolean String Banks

Recruiters, talent sources and other search professionals worldwide use Boolean String Banks, a leading crowdsourced Boolean String indexing and search tool, to refine their search results. Anyone who wants to contribute strings to expand the collection can sign up without paying anything. Additionally, string contributors can now start accepting small PayPal donations.

Boolean String Generators

Boolean string generators for recruiters also efficiently extract relevant information from the deep web. They employ research-based methodologies to assist you in attracting, screening, interviewing, and selecting the best candidate for the job. BOOL, TalentSonar, and Sourcehub are just a few examples of products on the market that can help streamline these efforts.

Boolean Search Example

Having looked at some of the most common Boolean search operators, how do you use them? Below are some Boolean search terms and Boolean search examples that may help you refine your recruitment search. We've also included information on common Boolean search symbols.:AND: When using the AND operator, for instance, you might type "manager AND marketing" into your search engine or applicant tracking system if you're looking for someone who works in marketing and has experience at the manager level.OR: For instance, when using the OR operator, you can input "Marketing AND Manager OR Leader" to hone your search for marketing managers. NOT: For instance, if you're searching for a mid-level manager, you should rule out executive titles that you might include in the aforementioned search terms. You can accomplish it as follows: "Marketing AND Manager OR Leader, NOT executive."FILETYPE: For instance, you may search the following terms to locate PDF resumes for marketing managers: "CV "marketing manager" FILETYPE: pdf."QUOTATION MARKS: For instance, your search term would be "marketing manager" if you only wanted to find candidates with the role of marketing manager listed on their resumes.PARENTHESES: For instance, your search string would resemble this if you were seeking a marketing manager OR leader who is not an executive: "marketing AND (manager OR leader) NOT executive."NEAR: For instance, if you wanted to use NEAR to find marketing managers with experience in paid advertising, your search phrase would be something like this: "CV "marketing manager" AND (paid NEAR ad*)."

Disadvantages of Boolean Searching in Recruitment

Even if recruiters are willing to learn how to create complex Boolean strings, their outcomes will probably fall short of those achieved by an AI search. Over the years, Boolean has been criticized for being ineffective, unproductive, prone to error, expensive, and requiring expert knowledge and clean data. Furthermore, Boolean searching has been labeled as a chore. Even the best Boolean string generators are prone to issues. Some of the key disadvantages of Boolean searching in recruitment include:

  • It is impossible to build Boolean strings that produce a properly sized list of the best-fit candidates. It usually results in either an excess of candidates (when using several OR operators) or an insufficient number of candidates.
  • Boolean searches only show applicant profiles that precisely match the terms in a recruiter's search; they do not show profiles that match synonyms, comparable job titles, or skill sets.
  • Recruiters frequently group more Boolean search operators to focus on strong prospects. However, this often leads to search results that are too narrow to use. This makes it simple to rule out competent applicants.
  • Boolean search results are frequently not prioritized, forcing recruiters to manually sort through and rank mountains of candidate profiles.
  • Most employment platforms don't support Boolean search operators, and even when they do, there isn't much uniformity in how you can create Boolean search strings. It takes a lot of time and effort for recruiters to visit each employment portal separately to enter their searches.

How Does Loxo Integrate With Boolean Search?

Loxo is a Talent Intelligence platform and a global leader utilizing artificial intelligence recruitment automation software. In the last few years, it has made small, medium, and large enterprises' recruitment challenges a thing of the past. Some of its most powerful features include:

  • The Wildcard Operator: Only Loxo's recruiting program interprets the asterisk operation. Other recruiters, such as LinkedIn, do not allow you to utilize the * symbol. As a result, you won't be able to use word stems in your searches on other platforms.
  • Stop Word Operation: Loxo is the only recruiting software that allows you to use stop words like IN and WITH. Google search operators do not have this functionality.
  • Case Sensibility: Using all uppercase Boolean operators on some platforms, including LinkedIn, can be tedious. However, Loxo merely needs that the NOT operator be capitalized.

If you're interested in learning more, sign up for a free account or ask for a platform demo!

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