Artificial Intelligence

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What is AI Recruitment? What are the Benefits?

You hear the term "AI recruitment" thrown around all the time. Everyone talks about it, but does anyone know what it means? Due to modern technology advancements, this word is no longer just a term you use to impress your friends and co-workers. It has developed into a genuinely revolutionary tool within the recruiting space. The standard recruitment practice has involved tedious processes that require manual workloads and endless tasks for far too long. As novel innovations break onto the scene and artificial intelligence becomes a staple tool within the workplace, recruiters start to work smarter, and computers are beginning to work harder.Just think about it, how many hours are spent sifting through thousands of resumes and cover letters each day? How many hours do recruiters spend reaching out to ideal candidates and tracking that outreach manually? This no longer has to be the case with the use of modern technology. With AI recruitment, recruiters can streamline their workflow, drive efficiency within their day-to-day operations, and ensure the perfect talent match with each hire. So let's get to it! Here are the top benefits of AI recruitment.

Spend More Time on Higher-Value Tasks and Reduce Time to Hire.

Did you know that 78% of job seekers apply for positions they are completely unqualified for? This means that, without the help of artificial intelligence, a recruiter can waste time parsing through resumes that they will ultimately reject. With AI recruitment, recruiters can utilize automatic screening to ensure that only the best candidates are moving down their pipeline. It is that simple! The deep learning technology will automatically source, filter, and rank best-fit candidates for the role you are looking to fill. While your AI recruitment platform does all of the dirty work, that frees up time on your end to focus on what is most important: finding the perfect candidate match.Not only does AI recruitment free up time within your inbound recruiting efforts, but it also helps streamline and automate your outbound recruiting efforts. Automated outreach campaigns are an excellent tool for recruiters to engage with massive pools of candidates. They help enable recruiters to get in front of far more potential candidates at a fraction of the time and resources. Like in inbound, this automation only further enables recruiters to drive efficiency within their workflow and free up time within their everyday recruiting efforts.

Use AI Recruitment Software to Find High-Quality Talent.

As we all know, recruitment is about finding the perfect candidate match. That's the goal. As simple as that sounds, we all know how daunting that task can be. Many variables can go into what makes a good caliber candidate, and many times it can be entirely overwhelming for recruiters. With AI recruitment, recruiters can automate their sourcing and ensure only the highest caliber of candidates are making it onto their desks. Based on the specifications and job descriptions provided, the AI recruitment platform will automatically identify the best-fit candidates for the open position you are looking to fill. Not only that, but AI solutions are continuously learning the more that you use the platform. The more roles you fill with artificial intelligence and machine learning, the better the platform will become at predicting the optimal candidate for you to reach out to.

The Platform Grows with You.

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, AI recruitment platforms will continuously learn and grow to utilize their features and functionalities. This doesn't mean that the platform grows on its own; it is growing with YOU based on the data and information you provide. This means that your AI recruitment platform will continue to learn and develop to tailor to your specific recruitment needs completely. The more data you feed into the solution, the more individualized and tailored the results become.Your AI recruitment platform will soon be identifying candidates who are, based on extensive data analysis and machine learning, the perfect match for your specific organization, and your role. It does not get easier than this. Just like how Spotify gets better at recommending songs for you and dating apps can find the ideal partner based on interest and profiles, AI recruitment platforms can provide you with the best candidates to fill your open roles.

Stop Overlooking Candidates with AI recruitment.

Human biases and large volumes of applications often lead to the disqualification of extraordinary candidates. Human recruiters can, consciously or subconsciously, misjudge candidates based on certain irrelevant factors. The use of AI recruitment software enables recruiters to avoid these biases and ensure they find the most objectively qualified candidates available in the market. Considering far more variables and data than any human recruiter ever could, these solutions will bypass any human error within recruitment and present the best candidates impartially and analytically. With AI recruitment software, you never have to worry about top candidates falling through the cracks again.Long gone are the days of sifting through LinkedIn profiles and job boards. No longer do you need to send hundreds of manual emails a day to potential candidates. Life has gotten more manageable for the recruiter, and it is all thanks to AI recruitment platforms. Loxo's AI recruitment platform enables you to passively source the best available candidates, automate your outreach across multiple touchpoints, and track your progress across pipelines. As the perfect scalable solution, Loxo will grow with your recruiting efforts and set you up with an immediate advantage over the competition that will only widen over timeTo learn more about how AI recruitment can help your team of recruiters work smarter and not harder click here!

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