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5 Key Benefits of Using Text Recruiting Software

For both recruiters and candidates, the hiring process can sometimes be drawn out and feel like a never-ending ordeal. Current recruitment practices can lead to wasted time, resources, and inefficient processes for all parties involved. Nowadays, businesses are looking for more effective ways to speed up their recruiting efforts and reduce their hiring time. Over the years, the use of text recruitment software has increasingly become a favorable outreach method for recruiters. But why is that? According to one study by the Society For Human Resource Management, 79 percent of candidates between 18 and 44 have their phones on them for 22 hours a day. Beyond this, text messaging boasts a 98 percent open rate. As mobile phones only become more ubiquitous and integral to virtually every aspect of life, it will only become more essential for recruiters to capitalize on this important touchpoint. Interested in seeing how essential texting can be for your recruitment efforts? Check out the 5 key benefits of text recruiting software below:

It is faster and more direct.

Candidates receive an overwhelming amount of spam emails every single day. It can take days for them to respond or even to open your email. Sometimes, you may get lucky if they even glance at it! There is no denying that people read and answer text messages far more frequently and instantaneously in this day and age than they do their emails. Your message will get immediate attention and a far greater chance of receiving a prompt response by sending a text. Adding text recruiting software to your repertoire will be a massive boost in driving faster and more direct outreach to your candidates.

Text recruiting software ensures a better candidate experience.

Within a candidate-driven market, it is essential to keep job seekers engaged throughout the entire recruitment process. With text recruiting, it has never been easier to send personalized and tailored messages to your targeted candidate. 53 percent of candidates say they feel more connected and trusting to organizations that communicate directly and reach out quickly. Recruiting the best candidate begins with creating a good experience for them. Once they develop a connection to your business, you are halfway to making the hire. So, while drafting your next text messages, keep this in mind.

It is a better tool for reaching younger generations.

Currently, over 56 million Millennials are in the US workforce, and this generation will make up to 75 percent of the workforce by 2025. Millennials are glued to their phones like never before. Because of this, it has become increasingly clear that text recruiting is the best way to reach candidates within this demographic. To communicate effectively to this massive talent pool, text messaging must be at the core of your recruiting strategy. While this is a common trend for Millennials, it is limited to just this demographic. Even the older generations are familiar with the basics of receiving and sending texts.

It is flexible and scalable.

With text recruiting software, you have the power to create text messages the way you want them to appear. You can tailor your messaging to adapt depending on your current target candidate. You can leverage it to notify job seekers of an open position, invite individuals to an event, thank them for participating in a conference, and more! The point here is you can scale your text to suit the current purpose and communicate more effectively.

It is cost-effective

Every recruiter wants to use minimum resources for maximum gain. Text messaging is one of the cheapest ways to communicate with potential candidates and job seekers. For instance, you can send one text to multiple candidates to inform them of a job opening. This way, you use little time and money but still get your message across. While texting is an ideal way of recruiting, it achieves even better results when paired with other tools such as emails and LinkedIn, and the infamous cold call!

The takeaway

Text recruiting goes a long way in improving the recruiting process, allowing better engagement with candidates. With an open rate of almost 100 percent, you only need text recruiting software to enjoy all the benefits. It would be best to familiarize yourself with TCPA guidelines to be on the safe side of the law. To learn more about texting practices and how Loxo helps you engage top talent, click here.

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