Recruiting Strategy

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7 Reasons Talent Intelligence is Actually Kind of Scary...

As we approach Halloween (aka the spookiest day of the year), we've got a burning question for you:

Does progress scare you? 

Put differently: Do you thrive on doing things the old-fashioned way? Enjoy the comfort of sticking with what you know, even if it means missing out on the latest advancements in recruitment technology?

I mean, all that saved time and money would honestly be kind of nightmare-inducing, if you really think about it. The stuff of horror movies, basically.

Well, you’re in luck! This article is here to help you see why you definitely shouldn't choose Loxo's Talent Intelligence Platform over a legacy ATS.

1. Automation gives you the creeps

Why automate when you can spend countless hours manually sourcing candidates and sending emails one by one? Your legacy ATS's basic automation features are just enough to get by without making your life too easy.

Loxo, on the other hand, takes automation to a whole new level with AI-driven sourcing, automated candidate engagement, and predictive analytics.

But, really: who needs all that efficiency anyway? Stick with your legacy ATS if you enjoy the satisfaction of doing everything the hard way. It's a feather in your cap.

2. You're scared to find the best candidates

If you’re content with just scraping the surface of available talent, then by all means, stay with your legacy ATS. Its straightforward sourcing tools are perfectly adequate if you’re not concerned about discovering hidden gems or making the most of your talent pool. Loxo’s database of 1.2 billion hard-to-find professionals would probably be overboard. And AI-driven candidate matching might actually help you find the perfect fit faster, but why would you want to make your clients that happy?

Keep it basic with your legacy ATS and continue to revel in mediocrity.

Besides: what even are the "best candidates"? More like candidates with an ego, am I right? Pshhhh.

3. Managing multiple tools is your security blanket

Ah, nothing beats the thrill of juggling multiple platforms. Recruiting is a circus act, and you're the main event!

With your legacy ATS, you still need to rely on third-party integrations for a complete solution. Loxo’s all-in-one platform might sound appealing to some — what with its integrated CRM, ATS, and AI-powered sourcing — but where’s the fun in that?

Sticking with your legacy ATS means you can keep up the exciting challenge of managing disparate systems and piecing together your recruitment process like a jigsaw puzzle.

4. Data-driven decisions are your nightmare fuel

Data shmata. What can a report tell you that you don't already know yourself? Gut feelings exist for a reason. Your legacy ATS's standard reporting features will give you just enough information to keep things moving, but won’t overwhelm you with pesky insights that could improve your strategies.

Loxo’s advanced analytics and data-driven recommendations push you to be more strategic and effective. You get real-time insights into performance as well as a bird's eye view of trends across pipelines.

But honestly, are you going to let a software product tell you what to do? Sounds bossy if you ask us.

5. Standing out from the competition gives you goosebumps

If blending in with the crowd is your goal, your legacy ATS will keep you comfortably average. Separating from the pack is dangerous — we've seen enough horror movies to know that.

Loxo’s cutting-edge technology and AI capabilities could make you a leader in the recruitment world, but who wants that kind of pressure? By sticking with your legacy ATS, you can continue to operate just like every other recruiter who’s okay with being...well, okay.

There’s no need to rock the boat with Loxo’s advanced tools. You'd stick out like a sore thumb.

6. The status quo is your safe place

Speaking of rocking the boat...why change what’s working, even if it’s not working that well? Sure, there's always room to improve. But nobody's perfect, so why bother trying?

Your legacy ATS is reliable in its simplicity and won’t push you to innovate or improve your processes too much. Loxo, on the other hand, offers an array of features designed to challenge the status quo — AI-driven insights, advanced automation, and an integrated platform that could revolutionize your recruitment strategy.

Sounds like an absolute nightmare for those who are committed to keeping things exactly as they are.

7. The future of recruitment gives you the heebie-jeebies

Big history buff? Prefer to live in a state of constant nostalgia? See the world in sepia tone?

If you're a Recruitment Purist who believes that the future of recruitment should look exactly like the past, your legacy ATS can help you maintain that comforting illusion. I mean, it's got "legacy" in its moniker, for crying out loud. Doesn't get more historic than that.

Loxo’s forward-thinking approach — which leverages sci-fi type stuff like AI & automation — is geared towards the future of hiring. But who needs that kind of foresight? Your legacy ATS's steady, familiar functionalities will let you keep doing things the same way, year after year, with minimal innovation required.

In conclusion: stay safe & comfortable

In the end, if your goal is to maintain the status quo, avoid disruption, and continue doing things the way you always have, sticking with your legacy ATS is your best bet.

Switching to Loxo would mean embracing change, adopting new technologies, and — heaven forbid — actually improving your recruitment process. So, if you’re content with just getting by and have no interest in standing out, succeeding more, or making your life easier, you should probably avoid Loxo at all costs. Stick with your legacy ATS, and keep your recruitment process comfortably average.

For those brave, renegade souls who actually want to excel, innovate, and lead the recruitment field, well — Loxo might just be for you. Try it out for yourself, or get in touch about a demo. (If you dare.)

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