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Candidate Calling for Recruiters

Strong tactics for employee recruitment facilitate the success of any business. A recruiter’s contact repertoire must be supplied with a variety of tools and techniques to cast the widest net when sourcing top talent. In the age of social media, common procedures rely heavily on digital interventions, however there remains a place in the world for more conventional methods. 

Cold calling candidates endures as a foundational recruiting outreach technique. And like any other approach, the cold call merits a deliberate and well-considered execution. In this article, you will find tips and strategies for creating a more effective cold-call plan. 

Planning a Successful Candidate Call

A productive recruiting call requires forethought and advance preparation. Here’s what you can do ahead of time to make the most of your outreach:




Executing a Successful Candidate Call

A high caliber delivery will make all the difference in determining the effectiveness of a cold-call strategy. Here are some tips to help you orchestrate a flawless conversation with your candidate:




Final Thoughts: Cabdidate Calling for Recruiters

The cold-call is a classic recruiting strategy that, when done correctly, can be an effective tool in drafting top-quality talent for your organization. Use our tips to your advantage to craft a winning cold-call plan, now.

Loxo is a comprehensive hiring solution that allows recruiters to cast a wide net and reel in top talent with every phone call. To find out how to make Loxo work for your company, sign up for a demo today at Loxo.co.

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