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Candidate Outreach

128: Tactical Tuesday – The 3 Most Impactful Things You Can Do When Writing Emails

September 10, 2024

sam kuenhle

On this 5-minute Tactical Tuesday episode, Sam walks us through three tips for improving your emails. These tips are all simple, easy, and actionable — but they may not be factors you’ve considered testing before. Those factors? The sender, the first five words of the subject line, the first six words of the email itself.

Listen to this episode while you brew a cup of coffee or take a quick walk around the block — it’s short but jam-packed with tips you can start using today!



00:00 – Podcast intro
01:55 – How the right sender boosts email open rates
02:45 – Make your subject line’s first five words count
03:39 – Nailing the opening: the first six words that matter
04:55 – Wrapping up the podcast

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