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Candidate Outreach

034: Tactical Tuesday – How to Stand Out in the Inbox ft. Vivien Maron

October 10, 2023

sam kuenhle
vivien maron

Unlocking the power of recruiting emails: Expert tips for higher open rates and responses

In this Tactical Tuesday episode, we discuss the art of writing effective recruiting emails. Vivien shares her expert insights on crafting subject lines that grab attention, using humor and curiosity to engage recipients, and standing out from the sea of generic messages. Join us as we reveal the secrets to writing recruiting emails that not only get opened, but also receive replies.


00:00 – Introduction: Crafting irresistible recruiting emails
01:51 – The art of subject lines: Maximum openings and responses
07:26 – The email body: Mastering LinkedIn Inmails and engaging emails
11:56 – Salary talk: When and how to share compensation with candidates
19:42 – The power of the perfect Call to Action: Boosting response rates
22:21 – Unveiling hidden insights: Gathering feedback from candidates
24:58 – Applying proven strategies: Real-world implementation
28:05 – Wrapping up

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