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Devops Lead - 2209210
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Technical Spec: Below skill set with hands on skill

AWS Cloud

  • AWS landing zone architecture and design experience
  • AWS Route53, VPC, EC2, RDS, ALB, S3, EBS, EKS, ECS, IAM, API Gateway, CloudWatch, DX, Etc
  • Cloud cost optimization

Microservice API Gateway

  • AWS APIGateway, Google APIGEE


  • k8s cluster design and implementation
  • Node management and Plugin management
  • HPA (horizontal Pod Autoscaling)
  • Blue-Green Deploy (Argo-Rollout etc)

CICD Pipeline

  • Gitlab/Jenkins Pipeline setup and troubleshooting experience
  • SonarQube implementation Knowledge
  • Nexus Repository design and setup knowledge
  • SAST/DAST implementation


  • Terraform design concept and implementation
  • Terraform remote state and module management for AWS/GCP
  • Ansible setup for OS/DB user handle, configuration management

NGINX reverse proxy management

  • Reverse proxy routing and rewriting setting
  • NGINX configuration optimization


  • AWS auroraDB, mySQL/MariaDB setup and backup and recovery
  • DB user management and SQL manipulation
  • DB optimization


  • AWS WAF, Third Party WAF solution experience CDN
  • CDN architecture concept and hands on
  • Akamai monitoring/Caching/Purging algorithm


  • NewRelic Alert/Dashboard/NRQL setup
  • Zabbix, Prometheus, grafana
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