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WAIT! Don’t send that email. The Do’s and Don’ts of Recruitment Email Campaigns

Loxo Blog
Make sure you know the DOs and DON’Ts of email automation.

You have your list of candidates sitting right there in the sourced column of your recruiting Kanban board. You’ve sourced them, verified they are a perfect fit for your role, and now you’re ready to contact them. Way to go!

But, what do you do next? Your list may include 50+ individual candidates, and you still have other roles to fill. The easiest solution is to use email automation to streamline your initial efforts to warm up passive candidates. Lucky for you, Loxo recently launched email automation, eliminating the need for the investment in yet another tool, but I digress.

With email automation, you can build drip campaigns, a sequence of pre-built emails that will be sent out automatically on a schedule of your choosing.

While recruitment email automation can be a godsend, it can also hurt your outreach efforts if not used properly. Before you dive right in, make sure you know the do’s and don’ts of email automation.

That’s it! You’re now ready to jump into the new, exciting world of email automation. Have fun automating your process, but be sure to always look for new opportunities to improve your communications.

Loxo Blog
Make sure you know the DOs and DON’Ts of email automation.

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