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​5 Best Practices for Recruitment Automation

With the power of recruitment automation, you can reach thousands of candidates every day while simultaneously maintaining a personal touch. It may sound counterintuitive in a way – how can I automate my workflow and still keep the content specific to the individual? Thankfully, with new innovations breaking into this space, you can now do this with the click of a button. What used to seem like an unachievable goal has now turned into a logical and necessary objective. By automating tedious and manual tasks, recruiters can free up more time within their days to focus on what matters most: getting the perfect candidate match.

Here are 5 best practices for setting up your recruitment automation process that will help you work smarter, more efficient, and avoid coming off like a robot.

1. Use candidate personas.

Your sales team makes buyer personas for their target markets – assigning characteristics, biographies, and personalities to customer profiles. This should be no different for recruiters. By developing candidate personas, recruiters can easily generalize a candidate based on likes, dislikes, interests, and more. From there, you can effectively tailor your recruitment automation to that individual and ensure the highest rate of success. 

Make sure to do this for your candidates. Think of your ideal hire, give them a name, and then start thinking about how best to reach them, how to talk to them, and how to pique their interest.

2. Take a multi-channel approach.

A perfect approach would be not only multi-platform but multi-channel; never rule out the power of phone calls, texts, and emails. As professionals continue to be inundated with emails, it has now become more essential than ever to get in front of your candidates through multiple mediums and touchpoints. The best outreach and engagement strategies offer a variety of touchpoints through different channels. for example, the first steps in your cadence might be to call the candidate, leave a voicemail, and then send a personalized text message. With a multi-channel approach, you will always meet candidates where they are whether that be on Linkedin, their mobile phone, or their personal email. Loxo helps get that personal contact information to streamline the process further, ensuring you connect with top candidates as easily as possible. 

3. Track your progress.

Keep tabs on all your automated outreach campaigns. Notice which gets the most impressions, clicks, and conversions. Test your methodologies. Test it again and continuing testing it as long as you are running campaigns. This will show you where to focus your efforts in the future.  See what works best. Ultimately, keeping tabs on your outreach will enable you and your team to make smarter and more data-driven decisions in the future.

4. Choose an ATS that is best for you.

You can’t talk recruitment automation without talking about its most common form, the ​ATS​. Applicant Tracking Systems enable you to keep track of candidates throughout your entire pipeline while evaluating your recruiting workflow. ATS platforms can be a huge boost for recruiters in terms of driving efficiencies and organization in their day-to-day. However, while there is a surplus of ATS solutions available on the market, it is important to note that they don’t all have the same features.

Loxo’s state-of-the-art ATS platform is the perfect solution to the dreaded ATS search. With a simple and intuitive user interface, Loxo’s ATS is completely customizable to your specific workflow as a recruiter. Beyond that, it integrates with every available feature within Loxo such as candidate sourcing, personal contact info generation, and automated candidate outreach. If your company doesn’t use an ATS, or if the one you use is poor, then it may be time to look into Loxo.

5. Ensure a quality candidate experience.

The most important thing to consider when automating your workflow is the applicants’ experience. The last thing you want is for a candidate to know that they are receiving an automated message. With such an influx of information, people are quick to overlook outreach that may seem robotic and generalized. Put yourself in the candidates’ shoes and think of what would lead you to respond. As highlighted earlier, make sure that you are tailoring the outreach to the specific individual and providing the necessary information tailored towards them. Don’t just assume you’re doing potential candidates a favor just by considering them.

Seamlessly integrate automation into your recruitment workflow using Loxo. We exist to help your company become the modern firm you’ve envisioned. For all-purpose recruitment automation solutions, visit ​Loxo ​today. We can provide you with all the tools you need to take your hiring process to the next level. You can also test it out for yourself and sign up for a free account! 


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